Saturday, October 9, 2010

Read-a-Thon Post 3

7 hours into my Read-a-Thon and I've just finished up my second book, Nadine Gordimer's The House Gun. It's funny, I read this book a couple years ago and had a very different response to it-- but perhaps I wasn't ready to understand how complicated and fraught 'loving' relationships can be? I don't know...

Anyway! I'm off to do a bit of 'real life' work and then I'll FINALLY start reading Hunger Games. I'm told that I ought to be ashamed of myself for not having read this series already. Hopefully by the end of the Read-a-thon I'll have made up for that horrible lapse of bibliophile etiquette!

Time reading (and or interwebbing!) 7 hours
Books read: 2 (The House of Mirth and The House Gun)
Pages read: 644
Mini-Challenges: Love to Hate, Back in the Day Children's Books

Oooph! It's 1:15 in the morning and I'm getting verrrry sleepy! I was hoping to read through the night, but somehow I don't think that's going to happen. I may just finish the last half of Hunger Games and call it a night. I honestly didn't think I was going to get all that into this book, but it's definitely engaging and well developed. I'm already a major Peeta fan!

3am Update

I was hoping to read through the night but I'm crashing hardcore right now.. Just finished Hunger Games so it feels like a good place to stop.

On the day..
Hours read: 10
Books read: 3
Pages: 1028

8am FINAL update!

I MEANT to go to bed at 3 when I finished the first Hunger Games book... but I found myself so excited about the characters that I pulled out the second book (Catching Fire) before jumping into bed and ended up reading for another hour and a half! I woke up a few hours later and got back to it :)

Final Stats:
Hours read: 13
Books read: 4
Pages: 1463

Thanks for a great readathon everybody! I had a blast :D

Now, in less happy news, I'm off to help a friend hunt down her runaway dogs. Wish us luck...


  1. This cheerleader is getting tired and will be off to bed soon, but I wanted to say once again Happy Readathon and have a great night!

  2. Love the House of Mirth! I haven't read the Hunger Games series yet. I plan to at some point. Just haven't gotten around to it yet.
