Saturday, October 9, 2010


I've been away from the blogging world for almost two weeks due to extreme CRAZINESS in my 'real life.'  I woke up this morning planning to do nothing but laze around on the couch or watch football... but then I logged into my blog and realized that today was Dewey's Read-a-Thon!! I can't imagine a better way to spend my day off : D

Granted I'm joining the party a little bit late.. we'll just pretend that I'm operating on Cape Verde time!

Where are you reading from today?
- I'm going to start with Edith Warton's House of Mirth then probably move on to Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses.. we'll see where it goes from there.
3 facts about me …
1. I teach freshman composition at a State University. I tend to focus my classes on things like pirates, zombies, or Law and Order characters..
2. I've recently developed bit of a southern accent. I'm not thrilled about this development and try to compensate by dropping my Rs and tossing around "wicked" adjectives like a good Bostonian.
3. I'm using this Read-a-Thon in part to justify massive coffee consumption..

How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?
- I didn't really have a specific TBR pile for the day until 20 minutes ago... I may have to make a library run mid-afternoon!
Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?
- I'd like to keep reading till the end. No napping!
If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, any advice for people doing this for the first time?
-1st timer!!


  1. I would love to be in one of your classes. Can't think of anything much better than pirates and zombies combined with composition. Oh, the stories to tell! And there's nothing wrong with a southern accent. Just channel Blanche from the Golden Girls and go with it. ;-)

    Good luck with your reading goals for the day. House of Mirth is on my to-read list also so I look forward to your comments.

  2. Wow, talk about great timing! I'm glad you could join us today! Let me know what you choose from the library!!!

  3. I love the books you chose for the readathon! And you're really not going to sleep? Wow,my brain would be fried by that time :) Goodluck!

    Christine :)
